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Birth and pregnancy practitioners in San Diego Dr Stephanie Libs Blog - Cafe Of Life San Diego

Our Favorites Practitioners in San Diego

We have some local practitioners that we absolutely LOVE and we want to share them with you! check them out! and tell them we sent you! Placenta Encapsulation/Acupuncture Dr. Brent...

Chiropractic During Pregnancy Dr Stephanie Libs Blog - Cafe Of Life San Diego

Chiropractic During Pregnancy

Did you know that not only does your uterus and abdominal area change drastically during your pregnancy, but your spine does also? That’s right! When viewing the spine from the...

Favorites Books Reading Resources Dr Stephanie Libs Blog - Cafe Of Life San Diego

Dr. Steph’s Favorite Books

I love books! Even more if they are about birth, parenting, natural health, breastfeeding, communication and personal growth. So as a book junkie Here are some of my top favorites...