Love for the Unknown: A Miscarriage Story
Written by Dr. Stephanie Libs, DC
Published in Pathways to Family Wellness Magazine
After dating for eight years, followed by 14 months of planning, my husband and I finally tied the knot. Then, about six weeks before the wedding, we conceived. So, we thought, what better time than our wedding to announce our pregnancy? Everyone we loved and cared about would be there, and we could surprise them all at once. Upon completion of all the speeches and our thank-yous, Dean and I asked our parents to join us at the front of the room. We had them close their eyes and hold out their hands. When they opened their eyes they were holding onesies with the words “I love my grandma” and “I love my grandpa,” and we excitedly yelled out ,“We’re pregnant!” The room exploded with excitement, cheers, laughter, and tears. All four soon-to-be grandparents were overwhelmed with joy and couldn’t stop hugging us and each other. We were bombarded with love and support. It was a moment we will never forget.
Two days later I started to experience mild cramping and light spotting. I was uncomfortable but thought nothing of it. … [Read more]